Kicking and Screaming
I can't believe it is already the middle of January. I wish there was a slow the hell down button that I could push right about now that would give me just another couple of weeks to move really, really slow, to sleep in without the guilt and to drink my morning coffee on the couch without rushing out the door.
I farm year round, so it doesn't ever technically stop, but you don't have the frantic, insane amount of activity that you have the rest of the year. So, kicking and screaming (not really, but kind of) I found myself seeding the first seeds of the year this week. Bittersweet. All beautiful flowers - foxglove, corn cockle, snapdragons, etc. for beautiful spring weddings and flower share bouquets.
We pulled through our first major winter storm in good shape this week. All the tunnels were safe and sound and we even had a few trial Stock plants in bloom make it through 7 degrees in one of our high tunnels. Amazing. Plants are so much tougher than they appear.
Bits and pieces from the farm this week - paperwhite narcissus, apricot stock, dusty miller and eucalytus.
Planning for this year is still unfolding. As wedding consultations continue, I'm making connections for amazing collaborations for future events and working hard with my flower community to start building infrastructure for our area that could change the way local flowers are bought and sold and allow flower farmers to grow and expand their farms in ways that were not previously possible. Exiting right? More information on all of these exciting things are coming soon. So, I will savor the last few slower days, but I'm actually getting pretty excited about all of the new things developing this year.